We're hiring!

The Gig: General Virtual Assistant / Admin Assistant

πŸ“ Location: Remote (but Aussie vibes all the way!)

⏰ Hours: Part-time, 10-15 hours a week (with room to grow!)

πŸ“… Start Date: Yesterday! (Just kidding, but ASAP would be fab)

🌞 Perks: Day shift, weekends off (because we love a good BBQ), and a chance to earn some extra πŸ’° with commissions on top of your hourly pay.

About Edwards Health Co.:

Born and brewed in Australia, we’re on a mission to bring the best natural ingredients to the health-conscious consumer. From Manuka honey to probiotic sodas, we’re innovating every step of the way. Want to join the hive? Learn more about our story.

What we’re buzzing about:

  • Technical Skills: You’re a whiz with Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) or its cool cousins. Got some basic graphic design skills with Canva? Sweet as! And if you know your way around Xero, that’s a cherry on top (not required though).

  • Communication Skills: You’ve got the gift of the gab, both in writing and speaking. Emails, chats, video calls – you nail them all.

  • Organisational Skills: You’re the kind of person who has their socks colour-coded. Digital files? Sorted. Data? Managed.

  • Attention to Detail: You spot the little things. Whether it’s data entry or drafting an email, you’re all about precision.

  • Proactivity: You don’t wait for things to happen; you make them happen. Got a problem? You’re already on it with a solution.

  • Work Experience: You’ve been in the VA or admin game for at least 2 years, and you’ve got a year of customer service under your belt.

  • Soft Skills: You’re adaptable, great with people, and can handle the heat when things get a bit hectic.
How to Apply: Keen as a bean? Shoot an email with your resume to Mary at mlgutierrez107@gmail.com with the subject “Manuka“.

So, reckon you’re the one? We can’t wait to meet you!